Privacy Statement
Johnson Matthey Plc (the Company) is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected.

Some information is collected and stored during normal use of the site to monitor its usage, and to help its further development. Such use does not result in any personally identifiable data being collected or stored.

Where you complete any online forms or request further information from us, details such as your name, location, email address, type of request and possible further information may be stored solely for the purpose of responding to your request. Such communications are not confidential.

This site is only available to employees of the Company. It enables users to access specific content and data by means of a login code and password. These will be supplied to you by the Group Reward & Benefits team using the online system within this website. Once you have registered, and subsequently whenever you log in to any secure area, you are granting permission to the JM in-house Group Reward & Benefits team, their appointed data handlers and software providers and the web infrastructure providers to store, process and provide that and other data to you via this website.

Your registered email address may be shared with 3rd party benefit providers from time to time but only for communications about your JM benefits.

The design and operation of the site is such that we consider all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that your personal details are secure and not accessible to any other user.